Sunday, July 15, 2007

Brief Interlude

I totally unintentionally woke my sister and I up entirely too early this morning...

By sitting up in bed, holding out my arm conductor style, and insisting, "stand up girls, we're going to sing!"

A pause followed while I oriented my mind--trying to figure out how my whole group of girls could have fallen asleep in the middle of my music class at camp, and why it was so dark...

Abigail too was trying to orient her mind. The plural "girls" puzzled her most so she broke the silence by responding confusedly, "There's only one of me."


As you have perhaps guessed, staff training and the first week of summer camp is over. It was good.

We had twenty-seven campers who were exposed to the gospel and learned more about womanhood and Jesus' ways.

In case you were wondering, music class went very well, though "Miss Katie" was stretched to come up with hand motions, learn parts, memorize words and then teach a number of songs in a very short amount of time. Obviously, the aftershocks to my poor brain are still reverbrating in dreamland.

Speaking of which, considering the three weeks of camp, and VBS, and camp, and VBS ahead of me...dreamland is rather inviting!

Please keep praying for the children the Lord will be bringing across my path over these next weeks, as well as others I will be working with and mentoring.