Sunday, June 01, 2008

Up To Date

My writing fingers are rusty. Well, actually they're mostly unseasonably dry...but rusty sounds better. I'm determined, regardless, to use them again.

In case you were wondering what I've been up to lately...

Meet Josie.

My new car. There's just no dollar amount that corresponds with the peace of mind I have behind her wheel. I'm sure she's not perfect, but she hasn't broken down yet or given indication of wanting I'd say she's already broken Wooster's track record. Wooster was my last car. (And I'm happy to say that my GPS--Jeeves--seems as happy to work with Josie as ever he was with Wooster.)

Sitting behind wheel of my new car is a new me. At least, my hair is somewhere about a foot shorter. I've heard very little commentary on the topic from friends and acquaintances (besides the close friends who are naturally obligated to say something), so I am content to conclude that the new style suits me.

I am slowly recovering from my illness. Also slowly, I am internalizing some of the lessons God has intertwined with this period of my life.

Gas will likely hit $5/gallon here within the next two weeks or so. On which depressing note, let's change the subject.

How 'bout you tell me you've missed me.