Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And Life Goes On

I remember reading once a fantasy/sci-fi book with a "mind control" theme In the story, there was an "It" that had captured the minds of an entire village. The subjection of the village was illustrated by all the children coming outside at exactly the same time every day to "play." They each had a ball and they would bounce their balls simultaneously for a pre-specified amount of time before simultaneously catching their respective balls and going back indoors. The adults of the shadowed village explained to visitors in a monotone that life was better with "It." There was nothing to fear because everything about their past, present, and future was entirely known and predictable. There was nothing to fret about because there was never a decision to be made.

My life is not like that.

For one, I don't suppose I could bounce a ball more than a dozen times consecutively without losing it. And I've had a healthy pile of decisions and uncertainties to wade through.

As you know, I've been facing a few decisions just lately. In case you were curious, I'm employed now part time with a medical billing firm. And I have a car. Also an amazingly incredibly trustworthy God and nothing whatsoever to complain of.