Monday, August 06, 2007

All Said & Done

I need a t-shirt. A t-shirt emblazoned with words indicating:

"I survived July '07"

Oh, I don't mean to indicate that last month wasn't enjoyable. It would take dozens of blog posts to adequately capture a deep contentment and happiness I can only summarize here...silent girls studying Bibles and running tears; laughing children and raucous games; hot meals and hungry tummies; insistent questions and Bible answers; jubilant songs and colorful crafts; midnight sign language lessons and pre-breakfast conducting lessons; silent prayers and souls saved; lemon and honey; frogs, spiders, and high pitched shrieking.

Actually, last month really wasn't "enjoyable"--it was beyond fabulous!

But there is no denying that there were times throughout the month I wasn't sure I could keep putting one foot in front of another. And then there was that red letter day in which I stood on the shoulder of a busy off ramp with a head cold, running late to my parent's surprise 25th anniversary party, restraining my mind from racing to the week of out of town company and Vacation Bible School ahead of me, watching my car steam its life away and wondering where money was going to come from to replace it...

When God wishes to make a point, He has no trouble being unambiguous about it.

I guess as I move on to "the next thing," it's safe to infer that I can't handle life on my own any more than I ever could, and He can handle it just as well as He always has.