Friday, November 30, 2007

H, W, & W

It doesn't work. The whole "early to bed early to rise" thing, that is. Though not exactly scientific in its method, I now offer the personal experience of the last month of my life in non-support of the early/early adage. You see, for the better part of the last month, I have both gone to bed and arisen early. Result: I was sick all month, I am significantly poorer, and if I'm any wiser I can't see how.

Of course, I was sick before I started going to bed earlier. So I suppose it was too late for sleep to prevent the illness? And I'm finding it difficult to link my sleeping pattern with my voracious $$ swallowing vehicle. Then, self-assessment isn't a great way to measure wisdom, is it?

See what I mean about non-scientific methods?