Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's Beginning To Look...

...perhaps a bit much like Christmas.

Despite my uncertainty about being quite in the holiday spirit so early, I found my fingers flying through a familiar Christmas carol when I was playing the piano on Sunday. And though I rolled my eyes a bit at the Christmas displays that grace Wal-Mart's aisles perhaps a bit too soon, I smiled when "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" blared through the speakers.

At home, I have been smiling every time I walk into the kitchen and see the traditional Christmas wish lists of the three younger ones prominently attached to the refrigerator. They're all three typed this year for the first time.

John, always the first to plan ahead, put his list up first--several weeks ago. (Perhaps he sympathizes with my hope to get my shopping done ahead!) It is headed with his first and last name (I guess he doesn't want us to give anything to the wrong "John") and divided neatly into "wants" and "needs." Among his "wants:" "memory for my computer"--and a lot of other computer stuff. He boldly added an "airsoft gun" to the list, but Dad already crossed that out by way of hinting what he is NOT getting this Christmas. His list of "needs "is topped by big capital letters reading "TONS OF BOOKS" and followed by little tiny letters describing a need for "clothes."

Abigail, next to finish, was specific, precise, and practical. Except maybe when she added "Dickens, entire set" to her list. Well, and I'm a little unclear on the specs for the"flat, large boards" she wants. Unclear, and downright curious. Maybe when she reads this, she'll elaborate. She did, after all, have the foresight to put extra lines on the bottom of her list so she could fill in any afterthoughts that might occur to her.

Peter finished his list just today. He divided it into "needs" and "wants"--but no needs are listed, only wants. From start to finish, his list implies that he is easy to please. "Nice pens (any coler) [sic]." "Bike or the (things for the bike I have to ask dad)." I suppose if we want to brighten Christmas with bike parts, we'd better go shopping with Dad! "Big bag indeain corn. [sic]" His word processing skills need a little bit of work, and so, obviously, does his spelling. Which is why he probably won't be getting the truly unambiguous wish that appears in large, underlined letters smack in the middle of his list: