Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Off On a Tangent

Is it only me, or could life be accurately described as a highly complicated balancing act?

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about living a life that is different from the world. You may not have known it at the time, but I was speaking from one of my favorite soapboxes. And so, because it is a favorite subject, and because I'm still learning balance, I want to touch on the topic again and highlight some balancing ideas.

You see, I really think that many conservative Christians take the idea of living differently from the world and run with it, ignoring one important point:

"Weird" is not synonymous with "repulsive."

As I represent God on this earth, I know I'm going to have enemies. I know people aren't going to understand me or my perspective. I know that if I truly live life by God's principles, I'm going to stick out like the proverbial "sore thumb."

People are going to notice me.

The question remains. When they notice me, what will they notice? Will I be easy to talk to? Will I be friendly and kind? Will I dress attractively? Will I be truly interested in their lives?

It is easy to lock myself into a little box, remembering that I am different from the world and anxious that the world should perceive that difference. It can be all too simple to forget that how I interact with others on the personal level can affect their response to Christ.

I don't have to compromise to be approachable! I can be compassionate without denying the love and sovereignty of God! I can dress modestly and attractively at the same time. I can avoid an attitude of censure while still maintaining a zero tolerance for sin!

I love to recall that as Christ's redeemed representative, I am different. But I must also remember that it's okay to be likable. While "making people like me" is not my life's goal, I am at the same time free to let people like me. And, when they do, I can hope that God will give me an opportunity to say, "If you like me, you'll love my Lord!"

Another truth I think many conservative Christians miss out on is that "weird" is not synonymous with "ignorant."

In the comments on my original post, Nicole summarized this idea very well when she said, "Like Christ we must be aware of- but not engrossed in- the current culture of the day that we may respond to the evils with Christ's truth."

It can be all too easy, in my contentment with my different life, to become complacently unwilling to become involved with the big bad world outside. My home, church, and nice Christian friends can become a sort of coccoon. I know I'm weird, and I like to be with other people who are also weird. After all, we usually understand and accept each other.

I am often in danger of forgetting that the Christian life isn't about comfort. It's about obedience to the Lord's commands--among which is the admonition to "Go ye..."--uncomfortable to the bravest soul! It is easy to forget that my life on earth is about warfare, not easychairs; crosses, not crowns; sacrifice, not complacency. To do a good job of it, it's good to be aware of what I'm up against. And I must be able to communicate with those who are in the world in a way in which they can understand. Indeed, it is my duty to be informed about my culture!

My mission is to proclaim Christ's name, fight Christ's enemies, and love Christ's created beings. To do so, I must be informed of Christ's gospel, aware of the enemies' tactics, and humbled by Christ's discipline!

Meanwhile, if you should ever hear that I have succeeded in living a balanced life, you have my official permission to celebrate my passing to the heavenly realm!