Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Moving Is

Monday. Looking in the mirror in the early morning, noticing dark circles under my eyes; I haven't been sleeping either long or well in the last week. Grimacing at my hands; there is still paint on them from a long week of painting and building. Trying to find a clean set of work clothes; still waiting for the washing machine to be moved out of storage and hooked up in the new house. Four hours of driving; our storage units are two hours away from the house. Nine o'clock p.m.: back home and waiting for the finally-loaded moving trucks to arrive and the unloading to begin. Midnight: Unloading..oh, I guess technically it's Tuesday now. One o'clock a.m.: My mind is beginning to blur. Two o'clock a.m.: The moving trucks pull out and I am starving. Three o'clock a.m.: Numbly climbing into bed.

Tuesday. Sitting in the living room we all stare at each other. Stunned.

Katie, popping in to recommend that you not consider put "moving" on your wanna-do-in-life list.