Saturday, August 19, 2006

Calling All Worms worms, that is.

Jaclyn has assigned me an impossible task. That's right, she tagged me with The Book Quiz. And each question demands only *one* answer.

I think all true bookies will agree on the impossibility of such a task.

1. Please name one book that changed your life (besides the Bible, of course):

Actually, I have had different life changing books for different "seasons of life." Probably the one that affected me most dramatically was a biography of Rees Howells by Norman Grubb. Elisabeth Elliot's biography of Amy Carmichael, "A Chance To Die", was a monumental inspiration as well.

2. Please name one book you've read more than once:

I rarely read books only once. When I was younger, I frequently finished the last page of a book and then turned to page one to start it all over again. I don't do it any more, but I still reread...eventually. One series of books that has never grown old for me after dozens of reads has been the "Raggedy Ann" Series. (Don't laugh, it's true.)

3. Please name one book you'd want on a desert island (besides the Bible, of course):

"Survival for Dummies."

4. Please name one book that made you laugh:

I laugh every time I read "Little Men." Also, there is a scene in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" where R. decides to punish herself by discarding her favorite pink parasol into the family well and ends up stopping up the water cracks me up every time.

5. Please name one book that made you cry:

I can certainly feel the emotion of books, but I rarely actually cry. "Tilly" was one of the few that got me teared up.

6. Please name one book you wish had been written:

"Ten Bad Reasons To Go To A Church." I haven't thought of all ten reasons yet. But I think "we go to this church because they have good programs for our kids" will be pretty far up on the list.

7. Please name a book you wish had never been written:

I'm so with Jaclyn on this one: "Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin.

Oh, and "Endless Night." The absolute worst Agatha Christie book ever. (This is the only book that has ever made me mad. I felt so betrayed at the end when the killer was the ONE person I never suspected in the whole course of the book!)

8. Please name one book you're currently reading:

I'm between books. I just finished (re-)reading "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." The kids got it from the library and I needed a good homey fix of "Mrs. Wiggs." She is such an optimist.

9. Please name one book you've been meaning to read:

Revivals of Religion (Charles Finney)
Romeo And Juliet (Shakespere)
The Path of Loneliness (Elisabeth Elliot)
The Pursuit of God (A.W. Tozer--I've never finished it)
Rob Roy (Sir Walter Scott)

10. Now please tag 5 people:

Y'all aren't very taggable, I'm afraid. But just for jollies, I tag Paul, BJ, Anna, and Amber.

That's all, folks.