Tuesday, August 01, 2006

'Till Death Do Part

Dad and Mom met in January 1982. You've heard of love at first sight, right? Dad wanted to set the date as early in the summer as possible. Mom didn't want to get married in July.

They were married on August 1st.

Yep! Twenty-four years ago.

I guess my growing up home has been pretty normal. I mean, I've seen better and worse, richer and poorer, sickness and health. The other thing I've seen isn't so normal. I've had parents who have stuck together through it all.

"Wow!" "That's a loooong time!"

Those are the normal responses of my work acquaintances when I tell them my parents are celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary. Together!

I find it sad that a 24 year marriage would elicit such totally awed amazement from so many people. It's fantastic, yes! But should it be odd? When did marriage vows jump ship anyway?

I have been so incredibly blessed to witness a marriage such as the one my parents have. More blessed than I realized as a child growing up. Blessed enough to say unequivocally that I want my someday-marriage to be cut out of the same cloth as theirs.

Blessed enough to see that as human beings we view our lives through a prism called Options. Every moment we measure a list of choices and select one to live by. And for me, in God's grace, divorce can never be one of the Options.

Because that's the way God wants it.

As my parents before me, I am committed to live through better and worse, richer and poorer, sickness and health 'till death do us part...OR until Jesus returns!

Whichever comes first.

Oh, and Happy Anniversary, Dad and Mom!