Monday, May 28, 2007

I Bet You Didn't Know....

I was "tagged" with another meme: to tell ten little known facts about myself. Without further ado, here they are. :)

1. I was medically tongue tied when I was born; blessedly it was discovered and corrected in infancy. Nevertheless, my family will tell you that I've been working hard ever since to make up for my early limitations.

2. I've had two different first and middle name pairings. My name was Lauren Michelle for my gestational life. It changed to Katharine Elizabeth on the way to the hospital.

3. My most dramatic accident left me only with three scars and a funny story to tell.

4. One of my least dramatic accidents left me with a fractured pelvis and an embarrasing story to tell

5. I once asked a blind lady what her favorite color was. This falls into the category of embarrasing moments caused by me trying to make up for my early verbal limitations.

6. I do not like to ride roller coasters, I prefer to get my thrills from eating raw lemons.

7. I am highly likely to get literal sympathy pains if someone describes an injury in any detail or if I see someone's injury, however I enjoy murder mysteries and a little detail in that context doesn't bother me in the least.

8. One of my dreams is to someday possess a ship in a bottle.

9. I have a mole on my left hand that I find extremely useful in telling my hands apart. Yes, I'm serious.

10. I love Greenland and all things Greenlandic.

I tag Sara, Abbie, Janel....any other takers?