Tuesday, June 12, 2007

From My Past: Testimonies

The earliest writing I have stashed in my files dates from just after my sixth birthday. Several more followed shortly thereafter. I seem to recall drafting them many times before the final product was carefully copied, and also that Mom read and corrected each draft. These carefully composed writings, partialy reproduced here, were stacked between two pieces of purple construction paper and I thought of them as "my journal."

October 1991 (age six)

"My name is Katie.

Every time we had worship [family devotions] God spoke to my heart. When my pastor spoke at my church God spoke, too. The Bible says in Romans 3:23, 'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.' God said, 'Katie, Katie. You need to accept Jesus.'

Mom told me how to become a Christian. The Bible says in Romans 6:23, 'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' I was four years old, almost five. It was June 25, 1990.

I was lying awake in my bed. Mom was up so I went to her room. She helped me to accept Jesus. I said in my prayer, 'Dear Lord, please come into my life.' Then we hugged each other.

After I accepted Jesus I felt like putting fruits in my life. I had a desire to tell others about Jesus. My mind is more clear about knowing what is good and evil. I know I am a Christian.

I hope everyone will get to see this journal so that God's kingdom will be increased.

The Bible says in John 14:6, 'Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.'"

May 15, 1992 (age six)

"One day during our family...[worship time] the Lord caught my attention with a verse out of our daily Psalms. In Psalm 116:14 it says, 'I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.' When I heard this I told my Mom, 'I need to do that!' and she described how I could do it. 'I am going to do it Sunday,' I decided.

So on Sunday, March 1, 1992, when I was six and a half years old, my dad and I stood up in front of the congregation at Trinity Baptist Church in Renton, Washington. In the time of invitation I made a public profession that I had become a Christian. Dad added some information about when I accepted the Lord. Then a long line formed of rejoicing people who told me how happy they were for me."

November 9, 1992 (age seven)

A few months after I believed in Jesus, I developed a hardness in my heart and decided that I would not be kind to my brother, Paul.

At one time Paul asked me if he could have a toy for naptime. I said, "No." This continued for around two months. Every time Paul asked me for things I made excuses so that I would not have to give him anything.

For example, sometimes during naptime I would take out the toy or book that Paul had asked for and play with it or read it. At other times he asked for a toy which I did not want him to have, so I said, 'No.' Then he would ask, 'Why'? I would say, 'Because I do not want you to touch my toys.' I did not know that the toys were God's. Still other times he would ask for a book. I would say, 'No, I love reading,' or 'You don't know how to read.'

At last the Lord convicted me that this was very unkind. So the next time Paul said, 'May I please have a book or toy?' I said, 'Yes!' This made him very happy.

And I got a blessing from the Lord through Paul. This blessing was that Paul started giving me toys for naptime.

By responding properly to the Lord's conviction I am letting God train me up so that when I am older I will not depart from His ways. (Proverbs 22:6)"

December 3, 1992 (age seven)

"I like school the most when we read the Bible or study...[as a family] because I get to sit on a couch with a pillow on each end. Both pillows are the same so it is silly for me to like one more, but I do. I like the left one. One of my brothers likes the very same pillow.

I thought I had a right to sit by the left pillow, so when we sat down on that couch I argued about who would sit by the pillow.

Last Friday, I yielded my right to sit by the left pillow. Today I also purposed to graciously invite him to borrow my toys anytime he wants."