Monday, September 03, 2007

Google & I

I occasionally get hits on this blog from Google searches. It it is rather amusing sometimes to see what people are looking for online, not to mention the unique word combinations that have actually landed individuals at Katie Speaks.

Curiously enough, my most regular Google-referred hit comes from this frivolous post I wrote over a year ago. Individuals in India seem to be especially keen on searching the web for information on my none-too-original title phrase. I finally became interested enough to run the Google search myself, learning thereby that my post comes up as number 50 out of 501,000 results for the phrase in question.

I've been learning more about the writing industry lately, and I was amused to discover that many professional writers are now expected to master what amounts to a new science called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO requires that a piece be carefully composed with enough words pertinent to a search engine crawl to actually generate readers for a website. Now if I actually knew both how that silly post managed to hit #50 for that search and why anyone would care, I might have something for my resume.